Category: Apologetics


Does Science Disprove Miracles?

Back in less civilized times, people believed lightning storms meant the gods were upset with them. An eclipse indicated God was about to bring judgment. Lack of rain meant the people needed to get...


Has Christianity caused more Harm than Good?

It’s no secret that Christianity has a checkered history. Over the course of 2,000 years, Christians have committed abominable acts which have led many to reject Christianity altogether. Friedrich Nietzsche made this point clear...

problem of evil

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

It’s the most powerful argument out there. Several have stumbled because of it. It’s the skeptics’ go-to reason for rejecting Christianity. It’s the problem of evil. The problem goes something like this: God is...


Does Evolution Kill God?

“Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.” This quote from famed atheist Richard Dawkins tells us everything we need to know about the evolution debate. If evolution is true, the skeptic...